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4 Ways In-House Shredding Is Detrimental To Your Business

shredding confidential documents in the office

A business, regardless of its size, will constantly have to circulate sensitive, private information in its day-to-day processes. Such information, whether it’s employee records, financial data, or customer information, should always be protected. As laws and regulations state, all businesses must store, manage, and dispose of sensitive information in a secure and appropriate manner. While in-house shredding may appear to be a proactive disposal plan, it can come with a lot of liability hazards as well as a lot of wasted time, money, and effort. Outsourcing such a delicate company duty might appear invasive or untrustworthy.

However, working with professionals like Titan Mobile Shredding, which provides secure shredding services, will ensure the security and dependability of document management and destruction, alleviating any concerns.

Here are four ways in-house shredding puts your business in danger, all of which may be avoided by outsourcing your shredding needs to experts.


  1. Risks with Identity Theft

Identity theft risks are significant if the sensitive documents to data fall into the wrong hands, which is conceivable due to the unreliability of in-house shredding. In-house shredding will necessitate round-the-clock monitoring by a specialized staff to ensure that all procedures are secured, and monitored.

Maintaining such an abundance of sensitive material, on the other hand, is likely to be difficult for an in-house employee, as it has so much risk associated with it. Whether it’s a customer’s or an employee’s identity, theft might occur due to information mishandling or improper storing/shredding.


  1. Unreliable Client/Customer Protection

Customer security should be a given. However, the unreliability of in-house shredding cannot provide such assurance. Protecting all personal and sensitive data of customers, as well as utilizing such information correctly, is a responsibility of care and an act of accountability. A disorganized and disconnected in-house shredding operation cannot provide such accountability to offshore protection standards.


  1. The Risk of Information Leaks

Data or information leaks may be costly to corporations. They can be unintentional or purposeful, both of which can be detrimental and potentially damning. Whether it’s a breach that leads to fraudulent conduct, a leak that violates data protection regulations, or a leak that ends up in the hands of rivals, business-related data will benefit from increased security. Possible information leaks, generally caused by disorganized and untrustworthy data protection, might also cause a Public Relations problem by exposing such sensitive material to the public. This type of crisis can easily be avoided by hiring a certified shredding company to do all of your shredding for you.


  1. Legal Consequences

Shredding document accurately and on time is a legal necessity for any business. Legal ramifications are associated with failing to follow strict and guaranteed protocols, lowering the desirability of in-house shredding. Because information is retained in-house, on-site shredding may appear to be a protective technique. However, without specialized procedures in place, dangers will always exist, jeopardizing the confidentiality of employee and consumer data.

Many variables might raise the hazards of in-house shredding, ranging from the workplace atmosphere and the dependability of operations to the business, management, and legal awareness of data security. While onsite shredding may be trustworthy for certain firms, those with complicated, consistent, or extremely sensitive information can benefit from lowering the risks associated with in-house shredding.


Secure Document Shredding from Titan Mobile Shredding

If you’re ready to give secure document shredding a try, you can do it with no risk. Titan Mobile Shredding offers a 90-Day Risk-Free Trial for regularly scheduled shredding service, which means you can experience our superior customer service for yourself before you commit to long-term shredding. There’s no off-the-rack shredding plan, either – we’ll work directly with you to create the most cost-effective shredding schedule for you and your business, so you’ll always get the most value possible.

For more information on our Philadelphia shredding company, or for the secure document shredding services we provide, give us a call at (866) 848-2699. You can also request a free, no-obligation shredding quote online.



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