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TITAN Mobile Shredding shred truck

Things Law Firms Need to Know About Shredding

Protect Confidential Information with the Specialists at TITAN Mobile Shredding

As legal service providers, your team does important and specialized client work every day. A record of that work is important and often very sensitive. Daily and short-term correspondence should be securely destroyed immediately and obsolete records should be securely destroyed prior to disposal.  Using staff to manually shred documents can be expensive and time consuming. Your law firm deals with confidential information on a regular basis and needs a reliable and consistent method for secure shredding and disposing of important information. Besides routine document shredding, you can also opt for a one-time purge service for files and data that is stored in your filing cabinets, file room or storage facility.
Here are three considerations that require attention from your law firm in order to maintain the integrity of your company as well as limit liability, legal action, and future threats:

  1. Onsite Destruction – It is not recommended that you use professional staffers for this particular area of operations. While every employee needs to be well-versed in proper procedures, data destruction services that are thorough and backed by professional experience are highly recommended to ensure proper disposal. The best place to start is with a Document Security Analysis to access your firm’s secure destruction needs. Follwed by a recommendation for locked collection container type and location and a routine service schedule. A Service Calaender is provided to make the process simple and hassle-free. Mobile shred trucks providing routine shredding service can save your firm over 50% compared to your staff handleing shredding in-house.
  2. Non-Paper Destruciton: Your legal operations frequently involve information stored on multimedia or hard drives, special service options need to be explored for proper disposal. Relying on the ‘delete’ function is not sufficient to deal with secure information! Physical destruction is the only visible way to confirm the information is destroyed.
  3. Security & Chain-of-Custody – Your entire documentation process needs to be connected and cohesive in order to function as intended and avoid any gaps or errors. Establish a chain-of-custody from the outset of your agreement Your data destruction company should be familiar with your legal practice’s unique requirements and the regulations for your particular industries, cases, or clients.   Selecting a NAID AAA Certified Information Destruction Company with Downstream Data Coverage will give your firm the highest level of security and peace of mind that your discarded information will not get into the wrong hands.

For reliable legal document shredding services, work with the trusted and experienced team at TITAN Mobile Shredding. Call us today at (866) 848-2699 or get a free quote online for your information destruction requirements.

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We are NAID AAA Certified Since 2007​

This certification is recognized by regulatory organizations as the premier standard for integrity, security and compliance.

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