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TITAN Mobile Shredding shred truck

The Advantages of Hard Drive Destruction

Large companies, healthcare facilities, government agencies and other organizations have a lot in common, but one specifically stands out; each use computers on a daily basis for generating, storing, and e-mailing sensitive information. With so many computers and such a vast volume of data being processed and shared on the web, how can you be confident that data is safe, and there’s no chance of exposure?  What about the data that is stored on your hard drives? What are you doing to protect this?
As a NAID AAA Certified provider of hard drive destruction services, we want to ensure you are aware of why it’s critical to protect your hard drives, and why hard drive shredding is the safest and most secure method of information removal.
hard drive destruction

  • Peace of Mind: In 2013, it was revealed that there were over 2100 data breach incidents, which lead to the revealing of over 822 million records. Secure destruction of your electronic media and hard drives guarantees that your information is secured, and there is no risk of data exposure. Your business can relax in knowing that its confidential information is entirely safe.
  • Cut Down on Costs and Regain Space: In the U.S., a typical breach that occurred cost roughly $188. Consider this – if you were to multiply that by the numbers above, this could translate to 10s or even 100s of billions of dollars, all lost because of a data breach. Furthermore, the amount of storage space that is often used specifically for storing archived information such as old hard drives could be a security risk on its own. If information is stored in an unprotected manner, it could very easily become compromised.
  • All Electronic Information: Our team will look after all of your electronic information. We’ll safely destroy your hard drives as well as tablets and smartphones, which continue to be used on an ever-growing basis. It’s critical that these old electronic devised are disposed of securely in an effort to protect all data found on these.
  • Provides 100% Security: Remember that contrary to some beliefs, even a “degaussed” hard drive can be recovered. In fact, the FBI and other crime fighting agencies have been discovering data on degaussed hard drives for over 10 years, and a recent MIT research study was able to recover close to 93% of sensitive data from “wiped” hard drives.
  • Remain in Compliance: Because of privacy laws like HIPAA and FACTA, it is imperative these days that you dispose of critical data the right way; securely. Hard drive destruction plays a role in these regulations, meaning your company will remain in compliance with privacy legislation.

When it comes down to it, hard drive destruction will allow your business to save considerable time and money, plus you’ll quickly notice the valuable office space you’ll gain back.  Finally, and what may be of the biggest importance. Hard drive destruction is a proactive approach in doing what is necessary to safeguard your business, clients, and employees from exposure. Identity theft and data breach cases are increasingly on the rise, and without the proper security measures in place, your business can quickly become a target.
Turn your hard drive destruction needs over to TITAN Mobile Shredding. We’ll help you dispose of any old hard drives in a professional and compliant manner. Our hard drive and media destruction services can be completed on-site at your place of business, or back at our facility, depending on your unique interests and requirements. Both options are entirely secure and carried out by our trained specialists who have the expertise and professionalism you can rely on.
Get in touch with us today to arrange your hard drive destruction service with us. Call us at 866-848-2699

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We are NAID AAA Certified Since 2007​

This certification is recognized by regulatory organizations as the premier standard for integrity, security and compliance.

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