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TITAN Mobile Shredding shred truck

Information Security in the Era of Equifax Breach

Tips From Your Professional Paper Shredding Company Confronting information security threats is like a daily uphill battle being fought by individuals and businesses across the globe. It is now a year since Equifax reported an application vulnerability that led to a massive data breach, affecting the privacy of over 149 million consumers. That is approximately 45% of the total population! The hackers managed to access sensitive information such as full names, birth dates, addresses, Social Security Numbers and in some

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Do the FTC Disposal Rules Apply to You?

Tips to Remain Compliant: Professional Shredding and Document Destruction   No matter how large or small your business, and what industry you belong to, chances are that at some point of time you use or manage data or information that comes from a consumer report agency. Whether it is credit reports of your customers, or background checks on your employees, any information derived from these reports falls under the purview of the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Disposal Rule. Passed in

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This Holiday Season, Shop Safe and Protect Yourself 

Prevent Identity Theft During Online and In-Store Shopping Whether you are planning to spend the upcoming festive season with friends and family, or you are looking at a coastal retreat or a ski resort getaway, holiday shopping will definitely be on the cards. From gifts, lights and decorations, to personal clothing and accessories, you will want to make the most of the attractive deals and bargain offers to maximize your budget. 

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Beware of Dumpster Diving

Tips from Your Professional Paper Shredding Company Whether you are part of traditional business that is heavily dependent on paperwork, or a technology-driven business that conducts every transaction online, the issues associated with information leaks, data hacks and identity thefts are common for all. Although the degree of risk may vary due to the nature of the business, both you and your customers are vulnerable to information security threats. In 2017, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) reported that out of

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Shredding Services for Hospitals and Medical Offices

How Your Professional Paper Shredding Company Can Help As a health care professional, you are familiar with the stringent laws that protect patient privacy and mandate secure collection, maintenance and destruction of all types of medical papers and records. In this industry, shredding is not just a best practice, but an indispensable requirement for every hospital, medical office, urgent care center, laboratory, as well as peripheral service providers, such as ambulance and mobile surgical centers. Despite the best security measures

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