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The Costs Associated with In-House Shredding

Protecting vital business information is perhaps more essential today than ever before. Information theft continues to be a growing concern so we need to do our best to help combat this. Most companies, both small and large, rely on paper to record, share and store important business data. While electronic data is circulated on a daily basis, the majority of office employees are still using paper on a regular routine. Bottom line is that paper is not going away anytime soon, so it’s crucial that companies are doing everything possible to secure sensitive business documents.
If you’re hanging on to irrelevant old documents, this could be a potential security threat to your business. Any record that’s no longer needed should be shred securely. Unfortunately, some companies think that shredding in-house with an office shredder will suffice, but are you aware of the hidden costs that are associated with in-house shredding?
In-house shredding can actually contribute to a higher chance of internal fraud. The 2015 Insider Threat Report from Vormetrics revealed that on a global level, 89% of companies believe they are susceptible to insider attacks.  Hiring a document destruction company such as Titan Mobile Shredding ensures a secure chain of custody is followed and scheduled destruction solutions are provided. Open recycling bins are replaced by secure, lockable containers, and documents are entirely safe once they are inside.  Following a Shred All policy is also a great idea that assists tremendously in document security.
One major issue with in-house shredding is that the majority of companies lack a verification process. Privacy legislation dictates that timely document disposal is carried out, with significant fines for non-compliance. A professional shredding provider supplies a Certificate of Destruction following each shred.  Nearly half of the respondents in Ponemon’s study hired a professional shredding to handle their document destruction because of the guaranteed compliance that’s met with privacy and data protection regulations.
In-house shredding can be expensive in other ways too. First, you have to consider the cost the shredder itself, and in many situations, companies need to purchase more than one shredder to meet the document disposal needs of their busy schedule. Because these devices are poorly designed, they do require maintenance to run properly, which if ignored can lead to additional costs. Also, office shredders run on electricity which means in- shredding will increase your energy costs as well.
Finally, there’s the cost of your employees’ time spent shredding. With these devices, you must remove any staples, paper clips, and rubber bands, as they will cause the shredder to jam. It can take a considerable amount of time because documents need to be separated into small, easily-shredded piles, and when the shredding container is at capacity, all contents must be emptied. Each of these tasks results in wasted time, which means taking away from employee productivity and more important jobs. Outsourcing your shredding eliminates the cost and depreciation of your shred machines, and saves your staff time.
Call Titan Mobile Shredding today at 866-848-2699 to speak to us about your specific shredding needs. One of our helpful and experienced shred technicians will be pleased to assist you.

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