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Guidelines for Shredding Medical Records

Medical Record ShreddingEnsure Secure Document Destruction by Specialists at TITAN Mobile Shredding

Medical service providers deal with sensitive information that is very personal and confidential. Part of running a successful medical practice, clinic, or facility is recognizing the important role of administrative operations for HIPAA compliance. Do not overlook document shredding and disposal as part of your processes. Different practices and specialists will have different requirements to meet industry guidelines, remain compliant, and secure the trust of your patients. Instead of leaving things to chance or relying on the knowledge of an employee with another skill set, consider professional assistance from record destruction specialists with a NAID AAA Certification.
Our team at TITAN Mobile Shredding is familiar with legal requirements, industry standards, and we are deeply committed to information security. We can help you comply with the Privacy and Security requirements of HIPAA. Let us take care of your archived medical records so you can take care of your patients.
Ensure your medical organization is following these guidelines for destroying medical records and contact TITAN Mobile Shredding to learn more about our dedicated document shredding services:

  • Local Laws – Staying up to date with local laws, state and federal regulations is essential to operate legally and soundly as medical service providers. If you choose to take on the responsibility of shredding documents in-house, ensure that at least one team member is fully updated  and understands record retention timelines, secure information destruction practices, and digital record destruction.
  • Digital Documents – Beyond physical records, x-rays, and other documentation, your digital files also need to be securely and completely destroyed in order to protect patient privacy. Work with a company that offers full service document shredding that includes media destruction and hard drive destruction.
  • Consistency – Maintaining regular timelines and keeping data destruction a priority in your medical practice is crucial for compliance and efficiency. Keeping medical records for longer periods of time opens up your facility to a lot of unnecessary risk. Schedule regular information destruction for secure, controlled, and reliable document shredding.
  • Training – Train your staff on your policies and proper procedures to ensure patient privacy and confidentiality.  This is an important part of HIPAA compliance.

Simplify your operations with a trained record destruction team when you work with TITAN. We provide qualified services that prioritize security and efficiency. We help develop your HIPAA compliant polices and procedures to ensure confidentiality.
For trusted medical record shredding services, contact the experienced specialists at TITAN Mobile Shredding. Call us today at (866) 848-2699 or get a free quote online for information destruction services.

AAA NAID certified icon

We are NAID AAA Certified Since 2007​

This certification is recognized by regulatory organizations as the premier standard for integrity, security and compliance.

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