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TITAN Mobile Shredding shred truck

IT Asset Recycling: Delete and Destroy

Shredding and recycling of digital IT assets

Your company’s computer technology contains critical and sensitive information. Your desktops, laptops, USB drives, servers, and mobile devices are obvious content receptacles, but so are printers, scanners, and other items. If it has touched company or client data, it could potentially have history that needs to be deleted and destroyed.

Many people believe that if they “delete” something, it’s gone. This is not true. There is almost always a way of retrieving data that has been deleted unless the item containing the data is destroyed. At TITAN, we are fully certified and licensed to provide shredding of the critical components of your hardware in order to protect your private information or that of your clients, customers, or patients.

Delete Stored Data

Examples of hardware that should be shredded include internal hard drives, external backup hard drives, USB drives, memory chips, CDs, DVDs, and X-rays. Your office may contain other data storage or medical information devices that should be destroyed once the information is no longer needed.

Deleting your data and then emptying the trash or recycle bin does not remove your data from your computer. Though it is no longer visible, it’s still taking up space on your drive until it is written over by another file. Cybercriminals can access the data and restore it. Special software programs can be run to “permanently” erase your hard drive. This is in quotes because criminal technology continuously improves. The only sure way to completely destroy your data is to physically destroy the unit.

Delete Printer and Scanner History

In most offices, many computers are connected to the same printer. Some printers maintain an internal log of data sent to the printer from the computers. These logs can be helpful to track usage, or even to access previously printed documents that may have been deleted or lost. Check your printer’s manual or research online how to access that information.

The same is true for scanners; they maintain an internal log of items scanned. Many copiers are also scanners, but some scanners are stand-alone. Scanning history should also be deleted before the destruction of the memory chips.

Destroy and Document

At TITAN, we help you protect your future by destroying your past. We can come to your office with our special hard-drive destruction truck. There, we will scan the serial numbers of your hard drives or other items to be destroyed. We invite you to watch your items being destroyed and we provide you with a Certificate of Destruction. If you prefer, we can pick up your hard drives or other hardware, lock them in a secure container for transport, and destroy them at our facility and provide you with the Certificate of Destruction.

TITAN is fully compliant with federal and state laws, NAID AAA Certified, and locally owned and operated. We guarantee the destruction of your personal information. We will partner with you to determine the most cost-efficient, legally compliant plan to keep your company’s and your clients’ sensitive information safe. Contact us today to discuss your shredding needs.

AAA NAID certified icon

We are NAID AAA Certified Since 2007​

This certification is recognized by regulatory organizations as the premier standard for integrity, security and compliance.

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