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Safe Disposal of Redundant Electronic Devices is Important

Learn How to Destroy Old Computers and Digital Media Properly

The average American has access to more than 10 connected devices at any point. This may include computers, laptops, smart phones, smart watches, tablets, hard drives, thumb drives, and a number of other personal electronic devices. Each of these devices may store some amount of confidential data or Personal Identifiable Information (PII). While you may invest in advanced technology or software to protect your devices during use, it is equally important to follow certain best practices while getting rid of redundant devices. Any lapse or negligence during this process may allow criminals and fraudsters to exploit your sensitive information for illegal activities or personal gains.

At TITAN Mobile Shredding, we specialize in the safe and secure disposal of physical as well as digital records and devices. Our data destruction professionals discuss why it is so critical to properly destroy your old computers and digital media

Top Reasons for Safe and Permanent Destruction of Electronic Devices

Every electronic device that reaches its End-of-Life (EOL) generates electronic waste or e-waste. As a business or an individual, it is important for you to ensure the safe and efficient disposal of such e-waste for a number of reasons:

  • Hazardous Elements: While computer screens contain leaded glass, which is a poisonous heavy metal, batteries in devices carry explosive and cancer-causing elements, such as lithium and lead. In the absence of proper destruction methods, such electronic items can pose a safety hazard to people or other living beings, and also lead to soil, water, and air contamination.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Some businesses may be subject to strict local, state, or federal regulations regarding e-waste disposal. Non-compliance with the applicable laws could lead to hefty fines or legal actions, which in turn could mean loss of business, customers, and brand value.
  • Environmental Concerns: In the race for adopting new technology or gaining a competitive edge, both individuals and businesses may ignore the criticality of proper disposal of old electronic devices. Some people prefer to donate the devices or pass them on among family or friends. Others may choose to sell or exchange them against new purchases, or simply dump them in the trash. Businesses may also prefer to reallocate and recycle devices among employees or sell them to refurbishing companies. However, as per the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), despite options for recycling and refurbishing, about 76% of discarded electronics end up in landfills.
  • Security Concerns: Although you may backup, overwrite, or delete your data and reformat the drives or devices, it does not effectively destroy all the previously stored information. Any cybercriminal with average technical skills can use freely available tools and software to retrieve information from formatted drives. Essentially, data deleted does not mean data gone unless you use proper methods for secure and permanent destruction of the e-waste. This entails magnetic media degaussers, or specialty shredding for solid-state destruction of old computers, drives, and other digital media.

Hire Professional Shredding Services for Safe Disposal of Out-of-Date Electronic Devices 

Instead of dumping your electronic devices in the trash or attempting a Do-It-Yourself e-waste disposal which may be unreliable or unsafe, count on the data destruction specialists at TITAN Mobile Shredding. Our comprehensive suite of services includes paper shredding, hard drive destruction, media destruction, as well as product destruction services. Whether you choose our on-site or off-site shredding options, our skilled and experienced professionals will:

  • Carry out safe and permanent destruction of the devices by separating the components, shredding the relevant parts, and readying the rest for recycling as per applicable laws and EPA guidelines.
  • Provide detailed reports of the shredded devices, including their serial numbers and certificates of destruction. 

For secure, reliable, and efficient disposal of your e-waste, hire a NAID AAA Certified company, such as TITAN Mobile Shredding. Call (866) 848-2699 or contact us online.

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We are NAID AAA Certified Since 2007​

This certification is recognized by regulatory organizations as the premier standard for integrity, security and compliance.

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