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Secure Product Destruction Is Critical for Your Business

Why You May Need a Product Destruction Service

As a business owner or key decision maker, you may face a situation where large quantities of your manufactured goods become obsolete. It could be because of: 

  • A self-initiated product recall when late quality checks indicate an inherent design flaw.
  • A lawsuit that prompts a product recall due to faulty operations or associated damages.
  • Your company’s inability to move or sell certain products due to marketing, logistics or financial issues.
  • A change in regulations or manufacturing standards that makes your existing batch unfit for use.
  • Certain items have reached their expiry date before reaching the shelves, and you need to discard this excess inventory.

No matter what the reason, if you have stacks of products that can no longer be used or sent to market, you will have to decide how to dispose of them. This is where secure product destruction comes in. 

Most shredding service providers manage paper-based or electronic product destruction, but do not have the equipment or skills to destroy other products securely. At TITAN Mobile Shredding, we offer extensive product destruction services through our plant-based shredder in Pipersville, PA. Our certified product destruction specialists share the how and what of safely destroying redundant products.

How is Secure Product Destruction Beneficial to Your Businesses

As a marketer or manufacturer of a product, it is your legal obligation to protect your consumers from defective items, and also prevent misuse or misrepresentation of your products. Through secure product destruction, you are essentially protecting your brand and company reputation. 

Disposing of redundant products in a safe, cost-effective manner will help in:

  • Preventing your branded, trademarked or copyrighted items from falling into the hands of miscreants. 
  • Ensuring that thugs or criminals cannot access your flawed or outdated products for illegal sales in the grey market, or for recreating counterfeit items. After all, you don’t want the unwanted, unfit or discontinued products to ever return to the marketplace in their original form or otherwise.
  • Saving your company from expensive legal action, loss of reputation, and brand erosion.
  • Keeping your warehouses and storage units clutter-free, and freeing up valuable real estate for your marketable products.

Professional and Secure Product Destruction Services 

Partnering with an experienced service provider is the first step towards secure and discreet destruction of your redundant products. At TITAN Mobile Shredding: 

  • We employ a range of product destruction methods to get rid of your old, obsolete, overstock, defective, or warranty return items. 
  • We regularly serve clients for products, such as shoes, plastic medicine bottles, clothes and several other products that are up to 3” thick and 12” wide. 
  • We are well-versed with various industry specific mandates as required under HIPPA, FACTA, GLB and others. The certificates of destruction that we issue are acceptable for future audits and legal queries. 

Our highly secure facilities, qualified professionals, and integrated destruction solutions will save you significant time, cost and effort in getting rid of your paper-based records, electronic items, and other products. 

For safe, reliable and cost-effective product destruction services, speak to the data destruction professionals at a trusted NAID AAA Certified company, such as TITAN Mobile Shredding. Call (866) 848-2699 or contact us online.

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We are NAID AAA Certified Since 2007​

This certification is recognized by regulatory organizations as the premier standard for integrity, security and compliance.

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