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TITAN Mobile Shredding shred truck

Shredding Services for the Education Industry

Industry-Specific Disposal Solutions for Physical and Digital Information

Whether you are part of one of the student committees, volunteer groups, teaching staff or administrative teams, being closely involved in the education industry, you are aware of the enormous amount of sensitive information that your institution holds in physical and digital form. This may include personal information, financial records, medical records, and assessments or progress reports of the students, as well as the faculty and staff members. 
In the US, there are several state legislations and federal regulations such as FACTA that govern the schools, higher education institutions and their related service providers regarding the manner in which they should collect, use and protect the confidential student and faculty data. In fact, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) specifically protects the privacy of student education records. This federal law is applicable to all schools that receive funds under relevant programs of the U.S. Department of Education. Yet, recent reports indicate that successful data breaches in the education sector have increased by 103% between 2016 and 2017 alone. Overall, this sector accounts for 13% of the total hacks.
At TITAN Mobile Shredding, we understand how crucial it is for all of you in the education industry to keep a close eye on the sensitive data that you collect and maintain. As a professional shredding company, we can help you with the secure disposal of both, physical and digital information. 

Comprehensive Data Destruction Services for Schools, Colleges and Universities

Take advantage of our comprehensive services in order to:

  1. Get rid of vast amounts of data and physical information that is no longer needed for business use or by law.
  2. Safeguard critical information and prevent it from being hacked or stolen, before or during disposal.
  3. Be compliant with legislative requirements, such as the FACTA guidelines and FERPA.
  4. Clear the clutter of physical files and folders and create abundant space for your new intake.

Hire us and enjoy some of these advantages:

  • NAID Certified Shredders: We are well-versed with the requirements of privacy and security laws that govern various industries. We also have the tools to ensure that you do not miss any industry specific regulations or guidelines. You will be given a Certificate of Destruction that will come in handy in case of any future inquiries, lawsuits or audits.
  • Periodic Paper Shredding: We save you the time and effort of bringing your documents to us, as well as the investment that you would have to make in multiple shredders for in-house disposal. Our mobile trucks feature high-security shredding machines that safely destroy your confidential documents, while you and your teams can focus on your core jobs. Moreover, you do not need to organize your papers, remove staples, paper clips or take apart any files and folders before you hand them over to us. Based on the volume of documents to be shredded, you can select our weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, bi-monthly or annual on-site purging service. 
  • Digital Data Destruction: In addition to physical documents, we also offer secure destruction of digital media such as hard drives, thumb drives, DVDs, CDs, obsolete computers and peripherals. We scan the serial numbers and provide a systematic record of the destroyed drives, before separating their component parts and recycling them as per EPA regulations. Rest assured that they can never be operated again! 
  • Extensive Liability Coverage: As a NAID certified company, we have gone the extra mile to take our information protection measures to the next level. We are the only company in and around the Philadelphia area providing Downstream Data Coverage that gives you built-in, 100% coverage for professional liability insurance. Know that we protect your information, regardless of the circumstances.

As a locally owned and operated company, we pride ourselves on our customer-centric approach, decades of experience, and expertise in maintaining the highest security standards when it comes to secure disposal. Our data destruction professionals will work with you closely to create a shredding program that suits your needs and budget. 
To explore the various on-site and off-site services offered by TITAN Mobile Shredding, call us at (866) 848-2699 or contact us online to request your free quote.

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We are NAID AAA Certified Since 2007​

This certification is recognized by regulatory organizations as the premier standard for integrity, security and compliance.

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