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The Importance of Secure Hard Drive Destruction

Why Deleting Data or Dumping Drives is Not Good Enough

Tossing something into the garbage or recycle bin may seem like the end of it. However, that is not true when it comes to getting rid of sensitive or confidential digital documents. Anyone with a basic understanding of technology can retrieve deleted electronic information through software or apps that are freely available. If fraudsters or cybercriminals get access to such devices, they can use the information pertaining to your business, customers, employees or vendors for various illegal purposes – severely impacting your company’s brand and credibility. 

Better To Be Safe Than Sorry

Before dumping any hard drives, thumb drives, or other digital media, contact TITAN Mobile Shredding to ensure complete and irreversible destruction of the data or information stored on these devices. Even if the data is obsolete, or the drives are encrypted, broken or non-usable, do not take the disposal process lightly. In fact, you may have to deal with several other repercussions, including loss of revenue and intellectual property, and expensive lawsuits and fines for non-compliance with the applicable privacy laws.

Top Tips for Secure Hard Drive Disposal

Privacy protection laws, such as FACTA, HIPAA, GLBA or FERPA that aim to minimize the risk of identity theft or consumer fraud mandate secure destruction of both, the physical documents and the electronic media. Even if these laws are not applicable to your business, here are some reasons you should consider permanent destruction of digital drives.

  • Free up Precious Space:  Stockpiling old disks and drives can take up a significant amount of real estate. Over time, you may be looking at several hundred square feet of cabinets or storage rooms filled with obsolete electronic devices. Safe disposal of hard drives will free up this space for expanding or enhancing your office amenities and business.
  • Reduce Data Breach Exposure:  No matter how safely you store them, old tapes or hard drives are a liability. There is always the risk of physical theft in the storage areas, which could expose confidential files and lead to a digital data breach. 
  • Prevent Data Leakage:  With deleted information being easily retrievable, simply reformatting the drives is not enough. Preventing data leakage at the time of electronic media disposal will protect your company from falling prey to hacks and scams, allegations of privacy breach, or other instances that can put a dent in your reputation and profits.
  • Enhance Information Security Measures:  Irreversible destruction of your old or obsolete electronic devices is the only way to completely cutoff access to sensitive data or information. It also tells your customers, employees and stakeholders that you take your information security practices very seriously. 

Partner with TITAN for Affordable, Reliable Secure Hard Drive Destruction Services

At TITAN Mobile Shredding, we follow a systematic approach for permanent destruction of hard drives and other digital storage devices. 

  • We will shred your hard drives on site or provide secure pickup and transportation of the drives and devices from your location to our highly secure, state-of the-art shredding facility.
  • We ensure robust electronic surveillance throughout the transportation and shredding process.
  • We employ thoroughly screened and qualified professionals to handle the shredding.
  • We provide a proof of destruction with detailed information for each shredded device. 
  • Destruction services are NAID AAA Certified.

For proper disposal of digital drives and media, count on the experts at TITAN Mobile Shredding for systematic and permanent destruction of sensitive or confidential business information in physical and digital format. Click to contact us online or call 866-848-2699 and learn more about our services.

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We are NAID AAA Certified Since 2007​

This certification is recognized by regulatory organizations as the premier standard for integrity, security and compliance.

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