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TITAN Mobile Shredding shred truck

Why Hire a Certified Product Destruction Company?

Insights from your Trusted Product Destruction Professionals 

Whether it is defects, damage, expiry, production excess, or redundancy, there are several scenarios where your business may need a product destruction service. Given the ever-increasing risk of frauds, corporate espionage, and identity theft, the safe and permanent disposal of your branded products may be a daunting task. Think carefully before dumping your products in a landfill or sending them to an inadequately qualified recycler. Since dumpster diving is legal in the US, if any miscreants get access to your branded, trademarked, or copyrighted items, that could be disastrous for your business. They could use it for fraudulent activities and illegal gains, potentially leading to expensive legal action, loss of business, and a tarnished reputation. Sending your products to a generic recycling establishment also comes with its own risks, such as theft or mishandling of the products, or incomplete or improper destruction. 

At TITAN Mobile Shredding, we specialize in safe and affordable product destruction solutions for a wide range of industries. We are the first company in the world to earn a NAID Certification for Product Destruction. As Certified Secure Destruction Specialists (CSDS), our product destruction professionals are proficient in industry-specific regulations and can help you with all the operational aspects of permanent product destruction. 

Hire Us for All your Product Destruction Requirements

We understand that secure and irreversible product destruction is all about assisting you in:

  • Protecting your brand and business reputation
  • Safeguarding any proprietary information
  • Remaining compliant with all applicable regulations
  • Limiting your business liabilities. 

When you partner with a NAID AAA Certified company, such as TITAN Mobile, here are some of the advantages for your business:

  • Compliance: We follow stringent security protocols and are well-versed with applicable product destruction regulations, including industry-specific norms. We can also help you remain compliant with the complex regulatory environment of the Environment Protection Agency (EPA), especially for disposal of pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, and hazardous materials. 
  • Advanced Shredding Technology: We invest in up-to-date and versatile machinery that can handle the disposal of different types of products, including shoes, clothes, branded uniforms, electronic equipment, marketing materials and more. As a full-service company, we can address a range of product destruction requirements under one roof.
  • Staff Screening and Security: With state-of-the-art surveillance systems, smart access controls, and rigorous background checks of the staff, we ensure the highest stands of security across the product destruction lifecycle. Whether it is pickup, transportation, or the permanent disposal process, our knowledgeable and qualified professionals handle your products carefully and efficiently. 
  • Proof of Destruction: We issue Certificates of Destruction that serve as a valid proof of product destruction for future audits or potential legal queries. Limit your liability, save your business from expensive law suits or regulatory fines, and enjoy added peace of mind by partnering with us for product destruction. 

For safe, efficient and permanent disposal of old, obsolete, flawed or overstocked products, hire the experienced product destruction specialists at TITAN Mobile. Contact us online or call (866) 848-2699 to get a free quote for your requirements.

AAA NAID certified icon

We are NAID AAA Certified Since 2007​

This certification is recognized by regulatory organizations as the premier standard for integrity, security and compliance.

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