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TITAN Mobile Shredding shred truck

Why Should I Outsource Document Shredding to an Expert Service?

Your business has information, either on paper or stored electronically, that it needs to keep confidential.  Breaching that confidentiality could be in violation of federal law. A breach can also expose your company to public humiliation. If you have confidential information that is no longer of use, you can shred this material yourself with some risk or outsource the responsibility to TITAN Mobile Shredding. Like many outsourcing conveniences, having an outside expert provide document and hard drive destruction makes sense. According to Forbes, 78% of Fortune 500 companies use outside shredding services.

You might outsource any number of your business’s functions. You may hire outside assistance to help you recruit new employees, balance your books, and do your payroll. Outside contractors may repair equipment, drive your trucks, and keep your facility clean. An outside firm may run your digital marketing or handle your IT needs. There’s a reason why these companies and contractors exist. It’s because they are specialists in their fields and can do it better. It’s also more cost-effective and provides better data security.

Increase Cost Savings

At TITAN we use specialized equipment that’s expensive to buy and maintain so you don’t need to buy your own. We train our employees about shredding and how to safely use our equipment. You can train your employees to do other things that will make your company money. How much time do you want people on your payroll to spend shredding documents?

Improve Confidentiality

Employees must have access to documents they shred. They may read personnel files, confidential financial reports, or customers’ credit card numbers. Our employees do nothing but data security. They’re fully screened and trained to do the job. Unlike a co-worker, they never see the personnel file they’re shredding.

Ensure Compliance

State and federal laws and regulations guide what information needs to be kept confidential and how. Do you want to spend time and energy keeping up to date on these requirements? Or would you rather rely on an outside expert who can explain and advise you on how it impacts your business? Better still,  TITAN technicians handle the physical work needed to keep you and your employees safe.

Obtain Peace of Mind

Document security is very important to your business, medical practice, or professional services firm. But it’s not at the core of what you do. When it’s outsourced it’s one less thing to worry about, one more thing off your employees’ plate and gives everyone peace of mind. TITAN Mobile Shredding is the company you can rely on so you can focus on more important things.

Trust TITAN To Prevent Disclosure of Information You No Longer Need

TITAN’s onsite shredding is safe and secure. You can see the entire process for yourself, and you’ll receive a Certificate of Destruction as proof of compliance with relevant legal requirements. TITAN helps organizations in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware with their information security. We can help you too. To outsource your document destruction, fill out our contact form or call us at (866) 848-2699 today.

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We are NAID AAA Certified Since 2007​

This certification is recognized by regulatory organizations as the premier standard for integrity, security and compliance.

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