
News & Information

TITAN Mobile Shredding shred truck

Time For a HIPAA Refresher Course

If your organization handles personal medical information, you and your staff must keep up to date. The federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) created standards for releasing sensitive patient health information. When was the last time employees handling this data learned about its requirements? When they were hired? If so, has there been any training since? We think it is a great idea to offer a refresher to all of your employees so they have the opportunity to

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Big Scams for Small Businesses

TITAN helps businesses and medical practices as well as legal and accounting firms in many ways, but mostly we’re in the security business. Our clients free up space when we dispose of old files, but most importantly, we prevent the information in them from being misused. TITAN wants all our customers to be successful and secure. Shredding files and computer memory devices is only part of the solution.  Scam Warning Signs  The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has a lot of

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Rows of secure file folders

Small Business Know-How – Saving Money on Security

Your small business keeps personal, confidential information about employees, customers, and contractors. Save yourself time, energy, money, and grief by preventing the release of this information after its use has ended, by destroying it no matter how that information is stored. With a reduced risk of disclosure, you’re also decreasing the chances of dealing with the harsh consequences of unintentional data leaks. TITAN Mobile Shredding has provided small businesses with information security and compliance since 2005. Our customers are across

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AAA NAID certified icon

We are NAID AAA Certified Since 2007​

This certification is recognized by regulatory organizations as the premier standard for integrity, security and compliance.

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