
News & Information

TITAN Mobile Shredding shred truck
External hard drive plugged into MacBook

Destroying Hard Drives Can Protect Your Business

You need to maintain the security of various information controlled by your company, no matter how it’s stored. It can be on paper or other media, on hard, thumb, and solid-state drives. Given how much information can be stored electronically, it would be much easier for identity thieves to exploit a hard drive’s worth of information than a dumpster full of documents. Titan Mobile Shredding can safely and securely destroy electronic storage devices, cell phones, old floppy disks, CDs, and

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Rows of secure file folders

Small Business Know-How – Saving Money on Security

Your small business keeps personal, confidential information about employees, customers, and contractors. Save yourself time, energy, money, and grief by preventing the release of this information after its use has ended, by destroying it no matter how that information is stored. With a reduced risk of disclosure, you’re also decreasing the chances of dealing with the harsh consequences of unintentional data leaks. TITAN Mobile Shredding has provided small businesses with information security and compliance since 2005. Our customers are across

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Stack of medical records for shredding

Shredding Medical Records

Healthcare providers in New Jersey and Pennsylvania holding patient-related information are legally bound to maintain the privacy of those they serve. It is also a sign of respect. No one would want their medical chart available to anyone looking inside a dumpster. TITAN Mobile Shredding can destroy unwanted and unneeded medical records, so the hassle of storing them and the possibility of leaked information is no longer a concern. Legal Requirements to Keep Information Secure The federal Health Insurance Portability

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Certificate of destruction being handed to client

What is a Certificate of Destruction?

Whether it is documents, media, or computer hard drives with sensitive information, there are many good reasons to securely dispose of items that store confidential information and keep them out of the hands of others. If there are any future questions about what happened to them, the certificate of destruction we provide to our clients in the Greater Philadelphia area will confirm when the destruction was performed. This could be for internal or external purposes, particularly if a legal matter

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Shredding and recycling of digital IT assets

IT Asset Recycling: Delete and Destroy

Your company’s computer technology contains critical and sensitive information. Your desktops, laptops, USB drives, servers, and mobile devices are obvious content receptacles, but so are printers, scanners, and other items. If it has touched company or client data, it could potentially have history that needs to be deleted and destroyed. Many people believe that if they “delete” something, it’s gone. This is not true. There is almost always a way of retrieving data that has been deleted unless the item

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We are NAID AAA Certified Since 2007​

This certification is recognized by regulatory organizations as the premier standard for integrity, security and compliance.

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