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TITAN Mobile Shredding shred truck

Auto Dealers – Don’t Let Your Customers be Taken for a Ride

Suggestions to Keep Sensitive Information Safe  When you own or run an automotive dealership, you have access to sensitive customer information that is collected for the purpose of loans, vehicle registrations, and insurance. That makes your dealership a perfect hunting ground for scammers who are looking to make a quick buck through identity theft. A research report released in March 2018 by the Federal Trade Commission makes an alarming observation about frauds through auto dealerships. It claims that identity thefts

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5 Reasons to Define a Corporate Document Retention Policy

A critical and complicated question that several companies face is whether or not to retain every digital and physical document collected as part of business operations. If you are a highly regulated industry, you have legal mandates to maintain records of customers and business transactions for a fixed duration. However, even if your industry is not legally bound to retain documents, there are a number of advantages in creating a systematic approach for record keeping. 5 Advantages of Storing Business

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Managing Security Threats at Law Firms

Advice from Your Professional Paper Shredding Company Every law firm, big or small, has an enormous amount of attorney-client privileged information related to past and current cases. This could include confidential information about your client’s bank accounts, real estate, mortgages, medical records, marriage or divorce, wills, and other Personally Identifiable Information (PII). In the case of corporate clients, your firm may have access to business strategies, patents, undisclosed IPOs, mergers or acquisitions, trade secrets and other sensitive information.  If any

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Professional Paper Shredding to Prevent Identity Theft

Each time you pick up a newspaper or switch on a TV news channel, you are bound to read or hear about a data breach, hack, scam, or identity theft. It is quite likely that you too have experienced a deceptive phone call, text or email, with a fairly convincing pretext to share personal or financial information. If you are wary of such scams and stay alert, you might escape identity theft. However, fraudsters will continue to evolve their methods

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