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TITAN Mobile Shredding shred truck
Magnifying glass on pile of shredded documents

Security Threats Facing Businesses Today

The pandemic forced many to work from home and for business owners and managers, this presents significant security threats. Your company is responsible for your employees’ actions and their proper handling of sensitive information. One example is using residential trash and recycling services for discarded company documents. This can quickly turn into identity theft and fraud. Criminals only need to find one weakness in your compliance plan in order to steal your clients’ or patients’ confidential information. Anyone willing to

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Organized folders of documents on shelves

Building Customer Trust with Secure Document Control Systems

Identity theft, fraud, cyber-attacks: these threats to the security of your clients’ data continue to grow. It’s imperative for financial institutions, medical facilities, and businesses to provide their clients, customers, and patients with the reassurance that their personal, sensitive data is safe and secure. Professional shredding of documents and items containing sensitive data should be at the core of your safety measures. Building Trust Each of us has had to sign a HIPAA form and understand the trust it implies.

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How-To Guide: Your First Paper Shredding Appointment

The premise is simple: you call a shredding company in Philadelphia, they show up, and then they shred stuff. But what does that mean for you? What do you have to do to get ready, or on the day of? If you aren’t properly prepared in advance, you could drastically extend the appointment time, which means you won’t be getting the optimal value for your time. The process of preparing for your first paper shredding appointment is a simple one,

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Man trapped in office overflowing with paper documents

Document Shredding: Why Do You Really Need It?

Perhaps you’ve seen one of our mobile shredding service trucks drive by. Maybe you’ve only heard of secure document shredding in passing. If you’re like many people, you might shrug your shoulders. “That’s fine for some people,” you think, “but that’s overkill for something I can do myself.” Unfortunately, it’s thoughts like those that cause expensive consequences later down the road. Document shredding isn’t just a case of whether or not you need it. It’s an issue of how long

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Safeguarding Against Fraud & Identity Theft

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to rage across the world, school districts are struggling with the big decision of reopening schools versus teaching through online platforms. The coronavirus containment measures and limited extra-curricular activities have led to an unprecedented increase in the amount of screen time. As a parent, if you worry about kids playing online games or browsing inappropriate websites, those worries may be further multiplied now.

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We are NAID AAA Certified Since 2007​

This certification is recognized by regulatory organizations as the premier standard for integrity, security and compliance.

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